getblockstats (0.17.99 RPC)
getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )
Compute per block statistics for a given window. All amounts are in satoshis. It won’t work for some heights with pruning. It won’t work without -txindex for utxo_size_inc, *fee or *feerate stats.
1. "hash_or_height" |
string or numeric required |
The block hash or height of the target block |
2. "stats" |
array optional |
Values to plot, by default all values (see result below) |
[ |
"height", |
string optional |
Selected statistic |
"time", |
string optional |
Selected statistic |
,... |
] |
{ |
json object |
"avgfee": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Average fee in the block |
"avgfeerate": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Average feerate (in satoshis per virtual byte) |
"avgtxsize": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Average transaction size |
"blockhash": xxxxx, |
string |
The block hash (to check for potential reorgs) |
"feerate_percentiles": [ |
array of numeric |
Feerates at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentile weight unit (in satoshis per virtual byte) |
"10th_percentile_feerate", |
numeric |
The 10th percentile feerate |
"25th_percentile_feerate", |
numeric |
The 25th percentile feerate |
"50th_percentile_feerate", |
numeric |
The 50th percentile feerate |
"75th_percentile_feerate", |
numeric |
The 75th percentile feerate |
"90th_percentile_feerate", |
numeric |
The 90th percentile feerate |
], |
"height": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The height of the block |
"ins": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The number of inputs (excluding coinbase) |
"maxfee": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Maximum fee in the block |
"maxfeerate": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Maximum feerate (in satoshis per virtual byte) |
"maxtxsize": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Maximum transaction size |
"medianfee": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Truncated median fee in the block |
"mediantime": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The block median time past |
"mediantxsize": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Truncated median transaction size |
"minfee": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Minimum fee in the block |
"minfeerate": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Minimum feerate (in satoshis per virtual byte) |
"mintxsize": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Minimum transaction size |
"outs": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The number of outputs |
"subsidy": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The block subsidy |
"swtotal_size": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Total size of all segwit transactions |
"swtotal_weight": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Total weight of all segwit transactions divided by segwit scale factor (4) |
"swtxs": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The number of segwit transactions |
"time": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The block time |
"total_out": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Total amount in all outputs (excluding coinbase and thus reward [ie subsidy + totalfee]) |
"total_size": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Total size of all non-coinbase transactions |
"total_weight": xxxxx, |
numeric |
Total weight of all non-coinbase transactions divided by segwit scale factor (4) |
"totalfee": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The fee total |
"txs": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The number of transactions (excluding coinbase) |
"utxo_increase": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The increase/decrease in the number of unspent outputs |
"utxo_size_inc": xxxxx, |
numeric |
The increase/decrease in size for the utxo index (not discounting op_return and similar) |
} |
bitcoin-cli getblockstats 1000 '["minfeerate","avgfeerate"]'
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblockstats", "params": [1000 '["minfeerate","avgfeerate"]'] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'